A Comparative Analysis of Contract Law in Common Law and Civil Law Jurisdictions


  • Garg A




Comparative Analysis, Contract Law, Common Law Jurisdictions


Contract law's key tasks include the creation, interpretation, and enforcement of agreements between parties. As a result, contract law is seen as an essential component of all types of legal systems. However, due to the distinct historical, cultural, and judicial contexts of common law and civil law states, the development of contract law has taken a different path in each of these jurisdictions. A comparison is made between the core ideas, central concepts, and different approaches that are characteristic of contract law in common law and civil law regimes. the beginnings and development of contract law within the context of both the common law and the civil law legal systems. the development of contractual ideas, shedding light on the various foundations that continue to have an impact on contemporary legal philosophy, and making reference to the legacy left behind by the Roman law tradition and the English common law history. a comparison and contrast of the impact of reasoning based on precedent in common law and codified statutes in civil law is used to illustrate the various techniques that are used to govern the interpretation and adjudication of contracts.


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DOI: 10.36676/ijl.2023-v1i1-08
Published: 10-11-2023

How to Cite

Garg, A. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Contract Law in Common Law and Civil Law Jurisdictions. Indian Journal of Law, 1(1), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.36676/ijl.2023-v1i1-08



Original Research Article
