Peer Review Policy

Indian Journal of Law (IJL) employs a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to uphold the integrity and quality of the manuscripts we publish. Both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous throughout the review process to eliminate potential biases.
Upon receiving a manuscript, an editor assesses it based on editorial guidelines and a set of quality criteria. If the manuscript meets the minimum quality standards and aligns with the journal's scope, it is forwarded to two or three expert reviewers for evaluation. To maintain a diverse perspective, at least one of these reviewers will be based in India, and one will be an international expert.
Reviewers' comments are kept confidential before they are anonymized and shared with the authors. The Editorial Board then makes a decision to accept or reject the paper based on the evaluations and comments provided by the reviewers. The final judgment, along with the reviewers' reports, is shared with the authors. Manuscripts that receive approval from reviewers will proceed to publication.

Key Points:
Multiple submissions of the same paper to different journals concurrently are not permitted.
Manuscripts that do not align with the focus and scope of the journal will not be considered.
Additional reviews may be requested by the editors if deemed necessary.
Authors will be promptly informed when additional reviews are required or if the manuscript is not accepted.
The entire process, from submission to completion of the review, will generally take 1-2 weeks.
Each submitted manuscript is treated as confidential. All reviews are conducted by individuals who are not privy to the authors' identities.
By adhering to this comprehensive peer-review policy, Indian Journal of Law aims to ensure that all published works meet the highest standards of academic integrity and contribute meaningfully to the field of law.

Indian Journal of Law