Reforming Criminal Justice: Evaluating the Efficacy of Restorative Justice Practices in Reducing Recidivism Rates


  • Saurabh Singla Assistant Professor, IIPS, Maharashtra



Restorative justice, Recidivism rates, Criminal justice reform, Alternative approaches, Victim-offender mediation


Restorative justice practices have gained traction as alternative approaches to traditional punitive measures within criminal justice systems worldwide. This paper seeks to evaluate the efficacy of restorative justice practices in reducing recidivism rates. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, empirical studies, and case analyses, we examine the impact of restorative justice programs on recidivism outcomes among offenders. By comparing recidivism rates between participants in restorative justice interventions and those subjected to conventional punitive measures, we aim to assess the relative effectiveness of restorative justice in preventing repeat offenses. Furthermore, we explore the underlying mechanisms and processes through which restorative justice principles, such as victim-offender mediation, restitution, and community involvement, contribute to positive outcomes in reducing recidivism. Insights from this evaluation can inform policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the criminal justice system about the potential benefits and challenges of implementing restorative justice approaches as part of broader reform efforts aimed at reducing recidivism and promoting rehabilitation.


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DOI: 10.36676/ijl.v2.i2.08
Published: 30-04-2024

How to Cite

Saurabh Singla. (2024). Reforming Criminal Justice: Evaluating the Efficacy of Restorative Justice Practices in Reducing Recidivism Rates. Indian Journal of Law, 2(2), 32–35.



Original Research Article