Legal Responses to Climate Change: A Review of Environmental Law Frameworks Across Jurisdictions


  • Prof. (Dr.) Faizan Mustafa Academic in the field of Law NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad



international treaties, jurisdictions, mechanisms, environmental laws, international climate law


Climate change represents one of the most significant global challenges of our time, necessitating robust legal frameworks to mitigate its impact. This review paper critically examines the legal responses to climate change across various jurisdictions, focusing on the development and implementation of environmental laws aimed at addressing this crisis. By analyzing key international agreements, national policies, and regional initiatives, the paper highlights the strengths and weaknesses of existing legal frameworks, identifies emerging trends, and suggests areas for future improvement. The analysis underscores the importance of legal innovation, international cooperation, and the need for more stringent enforcement mechanisms to effectively combat climate change.


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DOI: 10.36676/ijl.v2.i4.44
Published: 26-08-2024

How to Cite

Mustafa , F. (2024). Legal Responses to Climate Change: A Review of Environmental Law Frameworks Across Jurisdictions. Indian Journal of Law, 2(4), 73–79.



Original Research Article
