Criminal Law and Social Justice: A Review of Sentencing Trends and Reforms


  • Dr. Ved Kumari Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice National Law University, Delhi



jurisdictions, social justice, discriminatory, arbitrary, offenses


The intersection of criminal law and social justice has increasingly become a focal point in legal discourse, particularly concerning sentencing practices. This paper reviews sentencing trends and reforms in various jurisdictions, examining their impact on social justice, with a focus on issues such as racial disparities, gender bias, and socioeconomic inequalities. By analyzing the evolution of sentencing policies, the paper explores how recent reforms have sought to address these disparities and the challenges that remain. The review highlights the need for continued efforts to ensure that sentencing practices promote fairness, equity, and the principles of social justice within the criminal justice system.


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DOI: 10.36676/ijl.v2.i5.52
Published: 01-09-2024

How to Cite

Kumari , V. (2024). Criminal Law and Social Justice: A Review of Sentencing Trends and Reforms. Indian Journal of Law, 2(5), 14–19.



Original Research Article
