Cybercrime and the Law: Challenges in Prosecuting Digital Offenses


  • Prof. C. Raj Kumar O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat



digital offenses, revolutionized, cybercrime prosecution, digital devices, denial-of-service, sophistication


The exponential growth of digital technology and the internet has not only revolutionized modern life but also led to the emergence of cybercrime, a complex and evolving threat to global security. This paper examines the significant challenges in prosecuting digital offenses, highlighting the gaps in existing legal frameworks, the intricacies of jurisdictional issues, and the unique difficulties associated with digital evidence. Despite efforts at national and international levels to combat cybercrime, the rapid pace of technological advancements often outstrips the ability of legal systems to adapt, leaving critical vulnerabilities. Through an analysis of notable cybercrime cases, this paper underscores the need for stronger international cooperation, continuous updates to legal frameworks, enhanced law enforcement capabilities, and widespread public education to effectively address the growing threat of cybercrime. The recommendations provided aim to guide policymakers and legal practitioners in developing more robust strategies to combat digital offenses, ensuring justice in an increasingly interconnected world.


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DOI: 10.36676/ijl.v2.i5.53
Published: 02-09-2024

How to Cite

Kumar , C. R. (2024). Cybercrime and the Law: Challenges in Prosecuting Digital Offenses. Indian Journal of Law, 2(5), 20–25.



Original Research Article
